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2024!I hope we will meet again at the Dubai exhibition!

Views : 247
Update time : 2024-01-24 18:52:57
We are ready for the 2024 exhibition! Welcome to the International World Trade Center in Dubai on March 5-7, 2024, Booth No.: 3C-162
You will see many new designs and new projects at our booth, and can visit our factory online, and there will be relevant discounts during the exhibition. The peak season for the inflatable market will soon come, and we have prepared many products in stock. If interested, please contact us,
WhatsApp:+86 176 3858 2577

Live photos at the exhibition venue in 2023
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Room 1107, Block B, Zhengshang Navigation Plaza, Hanghai Road, Erqi District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province